
Donations & Sponsorships

Persatuan Penganut-Penganut Kew Ong Tai Tay is a non-profit organisation. We distribute food hampers to the underprivileged and the disabled in and around Buntong, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia every year in conjunction with the Nine Emperor Gods Festival.

For the past few years, we managed to reach out to over three hundred people during every Nine Emperor Gods Festival. It is hoped that with your support, we could gradually increase the number of people who will benefit from our charity programme.

We accept donations in cash and in kind.

In addition, we are also raising funds to acquire two more plots of land and build a new temple building. Kindly read ABOUT US for more information.

We thank you in advance and look forward to your kind generosity.

The following are our bank account details:
Name: Persatuan Penganut-Penganut Kew Ong Tai Tay (Reg. No. 2317 / 85 PK)
Bank: OCBC Bank (Malaysia)
Account No: 7201100-506

Kindly let us know you have donated by sending a short note to us at: Email Us



灵应殿九皇大帝是一个无盈利机构。我们每年在庆祝九皇大帝圣诞千秋的同时,颁发食物礼蓝给年老的 (超过60岁),贫穷的及不幸者。




Name: Persatuan Penganut-Penganut Kew Ong Tai-Tay (Reg. No. 2317 / 85 PK)
Bank: OCBC Bank (Malaysia)
Account No: 7201100-506

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Persatuan Penganut-Penganut KEW ONG TAI TAY (Reg. No. 2317/85 PK)
Add: No. 85, Laluan Buntong Jaya 11, Buntong 4, 30100 Ipoh, Perak, West Malaysia.
Contact Us 请联络我们

All images copyright Nine Emperor Gods
*for non-Muslims only